Dr. Todd Finnerty- psychologist and disability claim expert

Dr. Todd Finnerty is a psychologist and disability claim expert motivated to ensure that people get the help they qualify for and don’t fall through the cracks in the system.

Dr. Finnerty has been a psychologist since 2003 and has worked as an in-house consultant on Social Security disability claims in a state DDS for not quite 20 years, helping the government make the approval and denial decisions on Social Security disability claims. Dr. Finnerty knows how the system works as he has been directly involved in the system as a consultant inside the DDS.

Dr. Finnerty is in private practice in Columbus, Ohio. Dr. Finnerty has close to 20 years of experience making decisions on Social Security disability claims for a state DDS and has substantial experience in evaluating impairment. He knows what the government is looking for on Social Security disability claims because he was trained by the government and worked for them helping to make decisions on Social Security disability claims. In this role Dr. Finnerty was named the 2012 “Disability Review Physician of the Year” by the National Association of Disability Examiners, Great Lakes Region and the 2010 “Consultant of the Year” by the Ohio Association of Disability Examiners. Dr. Finnerty is a forensic specialist and adheres to the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct as well as the APA’s Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychology (https://www.apa.org/practice/guidelines/forensic-psychology). These guidelines include the responsibilities of integrity, impartiality and fairness and note: “When offering expert opinions to be relied upon by a decision maker, providing forensic therapeutic services, or teaching or conducting research, forensic practitioners strive for accuracy, impartiality, fairness, and independence. Forensic practitioners recognize the adversarial nature of the legal system and strive to treat all participants and weigh all data, opinions, and rival hypotheses impartially. When conducting forensic examinations, forensic practitioners strive to be unbiased and impartial, and avoid partisan presentation of unrepresentative, incomplete, or inaccurate evidence that might mislead finders of fact. This guideline does not preclude forceful presentation of the data and reasoning upon which a conclusion or professional product is based.”

Dr. Finnerty’s NPI is 1427266741. Dr. Finnerty resides in Ohio where Dr. Finnerty is licensed as a psychologist (#5979) and can see anyone located in Ohio with this license. Dr. Finnerty offers a telehealth option to Ohio and a large number of other states where Dr. Finnerty can legally examine someone via telehealth. He can do this as he is a PSYPACT provider. In some states he can also apply for temporary permission to practice with the psychology board in that state. Dr. Finnerty also is a registered telehealth provider in Florida and can provide psychological services to individuals in Florida via telehealth. Dr. Finnerty’s Florida telehealth provider registration number is #752. Learn more here: www.flhealthsource.gov/telehealth/

Other “sister” websites from Dr. Finnerty:

You can learn even more about Dr. Finnerty at www.toddfinnerty.com

If you are interested in Veterans’ disability claims you can find out more, including how to get a nexus letter or DBQ for a VA disability claim from Dr. Finnerty at http://nexusletters.com

“Dr. Finnerty is a psychologist with close to twenty years of experience helping the government make decisions on Social Security disability claims. Now he is available to help you get an independent opinion on your disability claim.”

What are Dr. Finnerty’s fees? How much will it cost?

Dr. Finnerty does not bill insurance companies and insurance companies typically do not want to pay for exams done for forensic purposes like a disability claim (rather than treatment).

Typically for an independent Social Security disability related exam the charge is $1,500 total (this includes reviewing any background medical records you send Dr. Finnerty, a clinical interview with Dr. Finnerty either via telehealth or in person, responding to some questionnaires Dr. Finnerty will send and Dr. Finnerty writing a report).

If you also want an IQ test there would be an additional $600 charge (and Dr. Finnerty will only do IQ testing in person in his office in Columbus, Ohio).

If longer more extensive personality, cognitive or effort testing is desired for a disability case, such as with an IME, the fee is higher to account for the additional time and cost in administering these tests (this isn’t typical of a Social Security disability exam).

You can learn more about Dr. Finnerty’s fees and options for paying the fee here: http://www.toddfinnerty.com/payabill.html

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